Status and rights of parents in sikhi

# Status of parents in Sikhi.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh 

Baapar govind naae i.e in the name of Lord we are going to throw light on the rights of parents in sikhi.In sikhi we consider parents as blessing of Akalpurakh.In sikhi specifically there is written about parents.

ЁЯТнParents are blessed ones.

## Ang 32 Guru granth sahib conveys amardas
ризрииੁ риЬриирииੀ риЬਿрииਿ риЬਾриЗриЖ ризੰрииੁ рикਿридਾ рикри░ризਾрииੁ ॥ ри╕ридриЧੁри░ੁ ри╕ੇри╡ਿ ри╕ੁриЦੁ рикਾриЗриЖ ри╡ਿриЪри╣ੁ риЧриЗриЖ риЧੁриоਾрииੁ ॥
Blessed is the mother who gave birth; blessed and respected is the father of one who serves the True Guru and finds peace. His arrogant pride is banished from within.

ЁЯТнYou are lowely creature if you disobey parents
## Vaar 34 pauri 21 bhai gurdas vaar
рикੁридੁ рии риоੰрииੈ риоਾрикਿриЖਂ риХриориЬਾридੀਂ ри╡рйЬੀриР।
If the son disobeys the parents, he is considered a lowly creature.

ЁЯТнDo not argue with parents
## Ang 1200 guru granth sahib conveys guru raamdas
риХਾри╣ੇ рикੂрид риЭриЧри░рид ри╣риЙ ри╕ੰриЧਿ римਾрик ॥
O son, why do you argue with your father?
риЬਿрии риХੇ риЬригੇ римрибੀри░ੇ ридੁрио ри╣риЙ ридਿрии ри╕ਿриЙ риЭриЧри░рид рикਾрик ॥рйз॥ ри░ри╣ਾриЙ ॥
It is a sin to argue with the one who fathered you and raised you. ||1||Pause||

ЁЯТнDo selfless service called seva for parents.
## Bhai chaupa Singh rehatnama
Chaupa singh narrates Guru gobind Singh said
,риЯри╣ਿри▓ риоਾридਾ рикਿридਾ риХੀ
Do seva of parents.

ЁЯТнSikh type of punishment given by punj pyaras called tankha is allotted for ones who disobey parents
## Bhai chaupa singh rehatnama
Chaupa Singh narrates Guru gobind Singh said
риЬੋ риоਾридਾ рикਿридਾ рижੀ риЖриЧਿриЖ рииੇ риоੰрииੇ ри╕ੋ ридриириЦਾри╣ੀриЖ|
One sikh who does not obey his parents is guilty and punishable for misconduct.

ЁЯТнAgain tankha punishment for arguing parents is alloted 
## Bhai Chaupa Singh rehatnama
Chaupa Singh narrates Guru gobind Singh said
риЬੋ ри╕ਿриЦ риоਾридਾ рикਿридਾ риЕੱриЧੇ риЬримਾрим рижੇри╡ੇ,ри╕ੋ ридриириЦਾри╣ੀриЖ।
One sikh who argues with his parents is guilty and punishable for misconduct.

ЁЯТнAgain tankha punishment for not doing seva of parents is allotted 
## Bhai chaupa Singh rehatnama
Chaupa Singh narrates Guru gobind Singh said
риЬੋ ри╕ਿриЦ риоਾрикਿриЖਂ рижੀ риЯри╣ਿри▓ рииਾ риХри░ੇ,ри╕ੋ риХ੍ри░ਿридриШрии ридриириЦਾри╣ੀриЖ।
One sikh who does not do seva of parents is thankless,guilty and punishable for misconduct.

ЁЯТнA beautiful moral is given in bhai gurdas vaar for those who ill treat their parents

Vaar 37 pauri 13 bhai gurdas vaar

рйзрйй : риоਾрикਿриЖਂ рижੇ риЕрикриХਾри░ੀ рижੇ риЬрик ридрик рииਿри╕рилри▓ ри╣рии

Pities of one who ill-treated the parents are in vain       

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ ри╕ੁригੈ ри╡ੇрижੁ ринੇрижੁ рии риЬਾригੈ риХриеਾ риХри╣ਾригੀ।

Renouncing the parents, the listener of Vedas cannot understand their mystery.

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ риХри░ੈ ридрикੁ ри╡ригриЦੰрибਿ ринੁри▓ਾ рилਿри░ੈ римਿримਾригੀ।

Repudiating the parents, meditation in the forest is similar to the wanderings at deserted places.

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ риХри░ੈ рикੂриЬੁ рижੇри╡ੀ рижੇри╡ рии ри╕ੇри╡ риХриоਾригੀ।

The service to the 33 koti are useless if one has renounced his parents.

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ рии੍ри╣ਾри╡ригਾ риЕриари╕риаਿ ридੀри░рие риШੁੰриориг ри╡ਾригੀ।

Without service to the parents, bath at the sixty-eight pilgrimage centres is nothing but gyrating in a whirlpool.

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ риХри░ੈ рижਾрии римੇриИриоਾрии риЕриЧਿриЖрии рикри░ਾригੀ।

The person who having deserted his parents performs charities, is corrupt and ignorant.

риоਾਂ рикਿриЙ рикри░ри╣ри░ਿ ри╡ри░рид риХри░ਿ риори░ਿ риори░ਿ риЬੰриоੈ ринри░риоਿ ринੁри▓ਾригੀ।

He who repudiating the parents undertakes fasts, goes on to wander in the cycle of births and deaths.

риЧੁри░ੁ рикри░риоੇри╕ри░ੁ ри╕ਾри░ੁ рии риЬਾригੀ ॥рйзрйй॥

That man (in fact) has not understood the essence of Guru and God.

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