
Showing posts from November, 2020

Sikh jhatka aka stunning and muslim halal aka dhabiah analysis. Part 2

 Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh  Baapar govind naae i.e dealing in the spiritual attributive name of God we have bring another article to show how some muslims are accepting other methods of stunning over their traditional halal.What does this mean?The ones who are accusing the sikh code of conduct must look over these too. ♦️This link below shows some muslims have resorted to Jhatka! Muslims using stunning  ♦️The link below shows video related to it why they started doing jhatka. muslims using  stunning

Sikh jhatka aka stunning and muslim halal aka dhabiah analysis. Part 1

  # Sikh Jhatka vs Islamic Zabiha aka Halal.Rebuttal to the Islamic banner of Halal over Jhatka in the light of Sikhi. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh Baapar Govind Naae i.e Dealing in the shabad attribute of Almighty i welcome my all sikhs to pay attention to one of the spicy topic in trend that is jhatka vs halal.Before continuing i would like to clear this article is not made to hurt religious sentiments.If it hurts then i am very much sorry but academic discussion must not stop. 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 ## Introduction:- Many muslims try to convince others that Zabiha aka halal is best method over Jhatka.They try to assert Zabiha has more advantages and scientifically proven correct.They criticise Jhatka method of Sikhi on the basis of Analysis they have made.So i am going to giving refutations to their each claim conclusively.Here we go. ### First Claim:-Using science and Dr Modi comments on jhatka and approving zabiha(halal) over it. ...